What Your Engagement Ring Says About You

What Your Engagement Ring Says About You

Whether you’re a glowing newly-wed, a starry-eyed fiancée, or a partner, searching for the perfect setting, your engagement ring often fits your personality, as well as your hand. Most of the time, you choose that perfect ring, but sometimes, the ring chooses you, but one way or another, you find each other, and it’s love at first sight. With so many styles and options available, it’s easier than ever to make certain your engagement ring is as unique as you are, but sometimes, endless possibilities can be a little overwhelming. If you’re still wondering what you’re looking for, you might find it easiest to look for yourself!

If this Canadian Diamond Oval Cut Trilogy Engagement Ring catches your eye, you are the centre of any room. You draw attention in the most approachable way and anyone looking for a friend can certainly find one in you. Those who know you, know they can rely on you and your advice. You’re strong, but soft, so the only thing that’ll outshine this ring, is your heart.

Notice this Canadian Diamond Solitaire Ring in a startling rose gold? The world better watch out. You have exactly zero worries about what anyone says about you. You know what you like, who you like, and what you want to eat for dinner. When you get in a car, you’re in the driver’s seat, and like you, this ring has no time for those who can’t handle your steadfast personality or your style. It sparkles anyway!

Can’t stop thinking about this GIA Carat Canadian Diamond Oval Cut Traditional Vintage Style Engagement Ring? All events are opportunities to look glamorous, leave no lash uncurled, no brown undefined. Your smile belongs on the big screen. Magnetic and welcoming, you’re an expert at bringing life to any conversation, and those around you shine brighter just for being near.

Feel a connection to this Canadian Diamond Stackable Bezel Solitaire Ring? You gravitate to the non-traditional. You find the average and elevate, customize and personalize until there’s nothing else like it. You have a way of blazing your own trail, go against the grain and thrive in the unorthodox. You’re curious and inspire curiosity, and when people meet you, like this ring, they often want to take a closer look.

If you are drawn to this Canadian Coffee Diamond Flower Halo Engagement Ring, you’re a forward thinker. Progressive and open-minded, you’re always open to change. In fact, you count on it. You never let life slow you down, you’re always looking to change and grow for the better, and you remind those around you it’s always possible to improve! When you think of the future, all you see is endless potential, and you just can’t wait to get started!

Lugaro’s Diamond Experts and wide variety of settings and bands can help you find the perfect engagement ring that says “this is me!” Or, show your partner all the timeless beauty you see in them, because a ring isn’t just something you wear, it’s something that wears you!

Written by Annahis Basmadjian

Lugaro’s Uncut Gem

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